Shifting Lenses — Illuminating the Opioid Crisis

Shifting Lenses—Illuminating the Opioid Crisis (detail). 2019-2020.
Meredith Brickell and Laura Holzman, 2019-2020. Interactive installation.
FIX: Heartbreak and Hope Inside Our Opioid Crisis, Indiana State Museum. 2020-2021

Through light and scale, word and image, action and reflection, this interactive installation invites participants to create a new image of the opioid crisis.

The installation is organized around a series of translucent lenses designed to reflect the complexity of the subject, from the details of personal experience to big-picture elements like policy, healthcare, and community. Participants represent their point of view by selecting and personalizing lenses, which they arrange on a tabletop light box. An enlarged projection of the tabletop composition appears on the gallery wall.